Coaching with Leslie Gaudet

Supporting you on your journey towards self-care, personal growth, and professional success.
Let’s step into your power and create the life you truly love.

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

As a dedicated self-care coach, I specialize in empowering female entrepreneurs like you. My mission is to help you prioritize your well-being, cultivate a positive mindset, and unlock your full potential. Through personalized coaching, workshops, and ongoing support, I provide the tools and strategies you need to manage stress, establish sustainable self-care practices, and design a life and business that aligns with your values and goals., both personally and professionally.

Feeling Stuck? It’s Time to Make a Change

Overwhelmed by Responsibilities

As part of my coaching services, I focus on stress management techniques and establishing a sustainable self-care routine to keep overwhelmed at bay.

Facing Burnout

Through our work together, we can identify the triggers and implement preventive strategies, ensuring you maintain a healthy work–life balance.

More Energy and Focus

My intimate self-care planning session allows us to collaborate one-on-one and tailor a holistic wellness plan unique to you and your lifestyle, equipping you with customized self-care strategies to prioritize wellness from the inside out.

Personal Growth

I offer a holistic approach that combines personal growth and business strategies to help you meet your financial goals, and ultimately, achieve the success you envision and it all starts with self-care.

 What is the goal of your coaching programs and workshops?

  1. The main goal of my coaching programs and workshops are to empower female entrepreneurs and their teams to prioritize self-care and personal growth both personally and professionally.

My aim is to help you integrate self-care practices into your professional life to support you and your team  and cultivate a positive mindset, all of which can enhance your overall well-being and the success of your business..

What can I expect during one of your self-care coaching workshops/programs?

My self-care coaching programs and workshops provide intimate, collaborative environments for female entrepreneurs and their teams to come together and prioritize wellness. We begin each session with intention setting and a discussion of any self-care challenges members may be facing.

Our time is spent diving into research-backed strategies tailored to your needs as leaders and entrepreneurs managing busy work lives. You’ll walk away with new perspectives, insights, and actionable self-care plans to continue strengthening personal and collective wellbeing.

We conclude by setting self-care goals to deepen your journeys before our next gathering. My aim is to create a supportive space where you can focus on taking care of yourselves from the inside out and spreading the benefits throughout your company culture.

Do you offer any standalone workshops in addition to your coaching programs?

Yes, I currently offer The Burnout Prevention Workshop as a standalone option in addition to my Self-Care Success Formula program. This workshop provides leaders and their teams with research-backed strategies to recognize burnout warning signs early and implement customized self-care plans.

I’m happy to discuss how this workshop could benefit your organization during a discovery call. We can also explore the potential of developing additional customized workshops focused on other self-care topics like mindfulness, resilience, team wellness, and more based on your needs. Please feel free to schedule a consultation so I can learn more about tailoring supplemental workshops for you.

How often do the coaching sessions occur?

My signature program is The Self-Care Success Formula, which is a 6 week intimate cohort-based experience where female entrepreneurs and their teams come together weekly for transformational group coaching sessions.

In addition, optional 1:1 coaching touchpoints can be scheduled bi-weekly for individualized support. The details of program curriculum and themes are best explored during a consultation call to assess your organization’s specific needs.

The combination of weekly workshops and bi-weekly 1:1 sessions provides impactful learning and accountability. Please feel free to schedule a consultation so I can share more about this dynamic group coaching format and how it can benefit your team.

Why is it so critical for leaders to address burnout and prioritize self-care right now?

The past few years have brought extraordinary challenges that have pushed leaders and teams to their limits. Studies show burnout and stress are rising to alarming levels. As an entrepreneur, you bear a tremendous workload and pressure to succeed. Without proper self-care, burnout is inevitable.

Prioritizing self-care is the most important investment you can make right now for yourself and your team’s well-being and performance. My Self-Care Success Formula program and Burnout Prevention workshop provide research-backed frameworks, tools and support needed to make self-care actionable.

This leads to improved focus, emotional resilience, balanced living, and sustainable success. Self-care is especially essential today to avoid depletion, reconnect with your values, and lead with purpose. By caring for yourself first, you’ll be equipped to spread the benefits throughout your team and company. Now is the time to commit to your well-being.

How can I get started?

Getting started is easy! The first step is to schedule a complimentary 30-minute Self-Care Consultation call. This consultation will allow us to explore your current challenges, goals, and needs as an entrepreneur and for your team.

I’ll provide an overview of my customized self-care coaching and how it can guide you and your team on a transformative journey to take care of yourselves from the inside out.

Together we’ll discuss why self-care is key for female entrepreneurs and their teams, my approach to help incorporate self-care practices into your daily lives and work, setting goals to unlock potential and spread self-care throughout your company culture, and tailoring a plan to your unique needs.

By the end of our call, you’ll have clarity on next steps to renew energy, resilience, and leadership abilities through prioritizing self-care.

My Approach

As a dedicated coach, I focus on the interconnected nature of personal and professional development. My approach is holistic, weaving self-care principles into your professional life to manage stress and nurture self-awareness. 

Through self-discovery, I enable my clients to recognize their strengths, overcome challenges, and move forward with confidence. The aim is not just to achieve success but to ensure that the journey there is balanced and fulfilling.

How It Works

Book a Coffee Chat

If you want to explore your personal self-care journey, the first step is to schedule a free 30 minute coffee chat

If it’s for your business’ self-care wellness, schedule a free self-care company wellness consultation

This is a chance for us to get to know each other, discuss your needs and challenges, and explore how my services might be able to help you personally, and professionally.


Choose Your Program

Whether it’s boosting your confidence, managing stress, to improve your work-life balance, or bringing holistic wellness into your business to support you and your team, I offer a range of workshops and programs to suit your unique needs.

Begin Your Journey

We’ll then formulate a plan and start our journey together.

We’ll work closely to implement strategies for growth for you personally, for your team, and for your business as a whole.

Self-Care For Business

Prioritize wellness from the inside out by investing in my Self-Care Success Formula program that will equip you and your team with self-care strategies that fuel motivation, focus and confidence. Book a 30 minute consultation with me today!

More Details

Discover the power of self-care so you and your team avoid burnout, sustain motivation, and thrive together which empowers you to fully show up each day and lead your company with energy, focus, and confidence.

Personal Growth and Self-Care Workshops

I currently offer The Burnout Prevention Workshop as a standalone option in addition to my Self-Care Success Formula program. This workshop provides leaders and their teams with research-backed strategies to recognize burnout warning signs early and implement customized self-care plans.

I’m happy to discuss how this workshop could benefit your organization during a discovery call. We can also explore the potential of developing additional customized workshops focused on other self-care topics like mindfulness, resilience, team wellness, and more based on your needs.

Please feel free to schedule a consultation so I can learn more about tailoring supplemental workshops for you.

More Details

Please also note that I am currently creating other self-care workshops that will be coming soon such as:

The Art of Self-Care Workshop – An interactive dive into creating personalized self-care routines that actually stick. Attendees walk away with actionable takeaways.

Mindfulness for Busy Entrepreneurs – Practical mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and enhance focus even with a packed schedule.

Self-Care for Leaders Workshop – Tailored specifically to the unique self-care challenges faced by entrepreneurs and executives.

Team Wellness Workshop – Equips teams with tools and tactics to build resilient and supportive organizational cultures.



What are the potential consequences of not addressing burnout in our lives?

Failing to address burnout can have significant negative impacts on various aspects of our lives.

It can lead to chronic stress, exhaustion, and decreased productivity.

It can also affect our physical health, leading to issues such as cardiovascular problems, weakened immune system, and increased risk of developing chronic illnesses.

Burnout can strain relationships, both personal and professional, and contribute to feelings of isolation and detachment.

Ignoring burnout can hinder personal growth, limit career advancement opportunities, and negatively impact overall well-being and quality of life.

How can burnout impact our physical, mental, and emotional well-being?

Burnout can have a profound impact on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Physically, it can manifest as chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, muscle tension, and lowered immunity.

Mentally, burnout can lead to cognitive difficulties, impaired concentration, memory problems, and decreased creativity.

Emotionally, individuals may experience feelings of cynicism, irritability, frustration, and a sense of emptiness or detachment. Burnout can also contribute to mood disorders, anxiety, depression, and decreased overall life satisfaction.

What are the potential consequences of neglecting self-care and resilience-building practices?

Neglecting self-care and resilience-building practices can have detrimental effects on our overall well-being.

It can leave us more vulnerable to stress, burnout, and mental health challenges.

Without adequate self-care, we may struggle to manage stress effectively, leading to decreased resilience and a diminished ability to cope with life’s demands.

Neglecting self-care can result in physical health issues, emotional exhaustion, decreased productivity, and strained relationships.

It can also prevent us from living a fulfilling and balanced life, impacting our ability to pursue personal goals and find enjoyment in daily activities.

Ready to start your journey? Get in touch with me today!