Step Into Your Extraordinary Life by Design

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Hello and welcome to the first post inspired by my newish podcast, “Her Extraordinary Life by Design.” I’m Leslie Gaudet, Self-Care Strategist for female entrepreneurs and I’m honored to be your guide on this empowering journey to celebrating and supporting women carving their own paths, one extraordinary day at a time.

In my debut episode, I not only explored the importance of sharing the vibrant stories of women from diverse backgrounds but also my own journey to this moment. It’s a journey marked by resilience, discovery, and the pursuit of a life aligned with my deepest passions.

Growing up during the challenging times of the Civil Rights movement, and facing both personal and professional hurdles, I learned early on about the power of resilience. My experiences with societal pressures and overcoming personal adversities taught me the importance of self-care and mindset. It was these lessons that shaped my path to becoming a motivational speaker, an international bestselling author, and most importantly, a self-care coach.

I left a decades-long career in the legal field, driven by a yearning for joy, fulfillment, and a life of purpose. My husband and I relocated from California to Las Vegas, embracing the challenge and excitement of a fresh start. It was here that I truly felt called to explore personal development, rediscovering my passions and strengths.

Now, I dedicate my life to empowering women—through coaching, speaking, and writing—to embrace their unique talents, explore entrepreneurship, and find harmony between their corporate responsibilities and personal passions. My journey is a testament to the power of embracing one’s own story and the courage to design a life on one’s own terms.

Every week on the podcast, I bring you stories of remarkable women who inspire with their entrepreneurial spirit, resilience, and unwavering commitment to making a difference in their communities. From overcoming profound challenges to achieving monumental successes, these women offer us wisdom, motivation, and practical lessons to help guide our own life designs.

Reflective Question: As we share these stories and experiences, I encourage you to think about your own journey. What are the pivotal moments that have defined your path, and how do you use those experiences to fuel your growth and resilience?

Join me every Sunday for a new episode of “Her Extraordinary Life by Design.” Here, we don’t just talk about self-care and personal growth; we live it. We celebrate it. And we do it together, fostering a community where every woman is empowered to live unabashedly in pursuit of her dreams.

Thank you for tuning in today. I look forward to connecting with you each week and supporting each other in designing our extraordinary lives, one day at a time. Remember, it’s not just about reaching for our dreams but also cherishing the journey along the way.

Keep dreaming, keep believing, and keep designing your extraordinary life one day at a time.

LISTEN to my opening episode on your favorite podcast app. Here’s a few to get you started.